Home Negocios First Entrepreneur Graduates at Grand Prairie Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

First Entrepreneur Graduates at Grand Prairie Hispanic Chamber of Commerce


Grand Prairie. Texas. The first 10 graduates who received advice to invest in the city of Grand Prairie are ready and prepared due to the intensive course offered by the Grand Prairie Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, which is under the presidency of Mary Domínguez Santini and her Incubator program.

These first 10 entrepreneurs came to create companies that will continue to drive the economy of the United States. It has been proven that micro entrepreneurs are the fundamental base of business in the American Union and especially in the city of Grand Prairie.

The graduation took place on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the Pioneer Event Center, located at 1025 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Grand Prairie, Texas 75051 with the presence of special guests and sponsors of the Incubator program.

Mary Dominguez Santini Presidente Camara de Comercio Hispana de Grand Prairie.

Mary Domínguez Santini was sponsored by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Grand Prairie, UTA, Toda la Vida Services, The Associates Business Consulting, Group LLC, Ser Negocios. Among the guests are Dr. Elba García (godmother) Dallas County Commissioner, Mr. Martin Lujan as representative of the University of Texas at Arlington UTA, Mrs. Ángeles Flores Narváez TLV, and Natalia Cooper from SER Negocios among others.

It is important to point out that the Incubator Program is not new. The program was completed and fully implemented over 24 years ago. Mary Domínguez, Santini revived it in Grand Prairie with the help of Javier Hernández, Incubator Director, which is one of the strongest programs that the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has in this city.

People interested in registering for the next intensive course, which will begin shortly, please contact Mary Domínguez Santini directly at 972 639 3778, who will be ready to give the appropriate advice, and to teach you the functions of a Chamber of Commerce. You can also write to the email: info@grandprairiehispanicchamber.org More information on the page: www.grandprairiehispanicchamber.org

The next intensive course in the Incubator program will be on June 14, 2022 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, at the Pioneer Event Center located at 1025 W. Pioneer Pkwy Gran Prairie, Texas 75051

According to what was expressed by Mary Domínguez Santini, the program will teach how to start a business, register it, write a business plan, choose the location of your business, finance your business, business structure and registration, business tax responsibilities, licenses and business permits by business type and business employer requirements, among other important topics.

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a solid resource that guides you in your business startup goals, encourages you to become a member, and take advantage of great resources and referrals to help you achieve your goals.

“Most of the businesses that fail are fundamentally due to two reasons. The first reason is due to the lack of sufficient information about your business, and the second reason is little or no access to liquidity” said Mary Dominguez Santini.

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Grand Prairie awaits you to advise you on your business plan and the advantages offered by the Incubator program. Call now to make an appointment. It also has a resource portal for small businesses on how to do business with the City of Grand Prairie (www.gptx.org)

The mission of the Grand Prairie Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is an alliance of support for small and medium-sized businesses and women entrepreneurs by assisting them with informational resources and services, financial education while promoting and preserving the Hispanic culture.

The entity’s goal is to provide its members with value programs and opportunities that support business growth and development. The commitment is to treat all its partners with due respect, fairness and professionalism that each one deserves, “what we do for one, we do for all” added Mary.

Their events are totally bilingual, being ready to support you, so that you invest in your own company. The Grand Prairie Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has the full support of the City Council. For this reason, you can visit the city page and you will find the Grand Prairie Hispanic Chamber of Commerce link where you can check the commitment they have with the community.

The Grand Prairie Hispanic Chamber of Commerce even has a very good working and professional relationship with City of Grand Prairie Mayor Ron Jensen, as well as City Manager Steve Dye and GPPD Police Chief Daniel Scesney.

Quiropráctico Dr Peralta